Sunday, May 22, 2005
Ever since Ronnie from over at "Times Goes By" started her new blog "A Sense of Place" I have been wanting to write about what is happening at my place.

In the fall of 2004, the Jewish Family Service of the North Shore approached the board of trustees at my complex with a proposal to make NORC available to my community. NORC stands for "naturally occurring retirement community." After a number of meeting with the board and the Jewish Family Service it was decided to go ahead with NORC which is federally funded and will not cost us a dime.

My place is twenty five years old and when people first moved in they were in their fifties and sixties. Now they are in their seventies and eighty. Many live alone, some do not drive anymore and need help in many aspects of their lives.

When NORC first came in they took a survey of what the peoples interests and needs were. At this point in time we have had sessions in Mental Aerobics, Computer Workshops, a Knitting Club and a Book Club.

Each session that I have attended has averaged about ten to twelve people. There are two hundred and sixty one units here, true, there are people who still go to work and have other obligations but what concerns me is, if the residents do not show enough interest they might discontinue the program.

NORC will offer more then classes, as yet that has not been clearly outlined. As time goes by I will find out more about what is available to us.

I will keep you posted.

NOTE: Click on the squares to take some mind tests!

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